Normal blood pressure with juices and smoothies

four person holding green and brown liquid in cups

Juices and smoothies for hypertension

Fresh fruit and vegetable smoothies and juices, combined with a healthy diet, can be extremely beneficial to everyone, especially those trying to reach normal blood pressure levels.

Blood pressure can be lowered through long and consistent treatment, but wouldn’t it be better to prevent blood pressure from rising in the first place?

Hypertension is defined as when the pressure that the blood exerts as it runs through your veins is higher than normal.  The symptoms of this condition are only visible in certain individuals, not all those that suffer from it, and can include headache, trouble breathing, clouded vision, increase in weight and vertigo.

A 10% weight loss can lead to reaching normal blood pressure levels in those who are overweight or obese. Maintaining a healthy weight and carrying out physical activity are fundamental aspects of a healthy lifestyle. However, vegetable consumption in your diet also helps lower blood pressure levels to achieve normal values.

Vegetables for a normal blood pressure

Carrot juice contains plenty of beta-carotene, which studies have shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease while leading to lower blood pressure, and helps to maintain normal blood pressure by regulating kidney function. The recommended dose is an eight ounce mixture of celery juice, carrot juice and water, at least once a day.

Carrots are also rich in potassium, which can help prevent and control high blood pressure. Researchers have discovered that individuals who consume potassium rich diets have a lower rate of hypertension. Limiting sodium intake to 1500 mg a day will also have a drastic effect on blood pressure reduction.

Another recipe is equal parts carrot, celery, parsley and spinach. This smoothie will help you alkalize your blood and remove deposits from blood vessels.

Other vegetables used to treat hypertension are: garlic, which slows down heart rate, skin-on boiled potatoes, which help lower blood pressure because they absorb very little salt and are rich in potassium and magnesium, but not sodium, and finally parsley, which is very useful in blood pressure reduction as it contains elements that contribute to the health of blood vessels.

Lemon juice also helps control blood pressure and is a great source of vitamin P, found in the peel. This vitamin is effective in preventing capillary fragility.

Maintaining and controlling a normal level of blood pressure is possible by increasing fruit and vegetable consumption, as well as consuming fresh fruit and vegetable smoothies and juices.

Vegetable smoothies and juices such as carrot juice can be an excellent aid to controlling normal levels of blood pressure, eliminating toxins in the blood.


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