Natural solutions for high blood pressure


There are natural solutions for high blood pressure: hypertension can be tackled with lifestyle changes too. Many are unaware of it, but at least four factors can be our allies or enemies in terms of blood pressure, depending on the choices we make. Too little fruit, too many alcoholic drinks, too little movement and too much food: of one hundred adults adopting this lifestyle, every one of them develops hypertension. On the other hand, of one hundred adults who adopt a healthy lifestyle, only 35 will develop hypertension. These enormous differences presented by professor Pekka Jousilahti of the Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare, who conducted a 16 year study on 20 thousand patients, aimed at the prevention of hypertension and carried out on subjects who were initially free of the illness. The study was presented at a congress for the European Society of Cardiology and provided important information on the pathology considered to be the fourth most common cause of death: hypertension. Hypertension is the condition caused by an increase in blood pressure values, or the force exerted by the blood on artery walls. It can be extremely dangerous, as the heart needs to sustain a greater effort than normal in order to function properly, and the pressure on the vessels can cause them serious damage. According to the experts, four factors can worsen the condition of hypertensive subjects: weight, physical activity, alcohol and vegetables. Their combined effects can increase or reduce your risk by 15%. In Italy, an estimated 10 to 15 million people suffer from hypertension, many of whom are unaware of it, given that hypertension is known as a “silent killer” for its lack of symptoms. The natural solutions for hypertension are simple and easy, it is time to start adopting a healthy lifestyle in order to control and prevent hypertension. AMICOMED can help you do it!


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