Lower your blood pressure for your wellbeing


Mortality rate for high blood pressure rises, start a process of prevention by lowering your blood pressure.
According to reports by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), mortality related to hypertension in the US is rising steadily and the most affected are white men over 45 and women. The authors, coordinated by Dr. Hsiang-Ching Kung of the National Center for Health Statistics of the CDC in Atlanta, examined the evolution of hypertension between 2000 and 2013. They observed that the number of deaths related to high blood pressure increased by over 50% in men of ages between 45 and 64, by 16% in those aged between 65 and 74 and 15% in those over 75. Similar results were observed for women, with mortality related to high blood pressure increasing significantly for women of ages between 45 and 64 and over 85. Increasing rates were observed among the non-Hispanic white population, but variable among the Hispanic population.
Despite experiencing the highest rate of death related to hypertension in 2013, the Afro-American population seems to be undergoing an opposite trend. The good news is that “after an upward trend from 2000 through 2005, the age-adjusted hypertension-related death rate decreased about 9% for the non-Hispanic black population by 2013”. Not much good news for the non-Hispanic white population, for whom the death rates due to hypertension seem to have been steadily increasing between 2000 and 2013, with a total increase of 29.8%. The main cause of death related to hypertension remains heart disease, responsible for 34.2% of cases in 2000, but only 27.7% of cases in 2013. Also decreasing is the percentage of hypertension related deaths by stroke, at 14.9% in 2000 and 9.2% in 2013.
We at AMICOMED suggest that you regularly measure your blood pressure values and visit a specialist doctor if the measurements are worthy of clinical attention. It is time to lower blood pressure and mortality rates

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